Sprinkler Servicing

Sprinkler Servicing - what is this?

If a sprinkler system is present, then sprinkler servicing is one of the vital elements that should be contained within your fire safety risk management plan.

Sprinkler servicing is a method applied to ensure your sprinklers will activate should they be needed in the case of fire.

A regular sprinkler service by a qualified engineer is required to ensure maintenance of certification for health and safety, insurance and landlord assurances etc.

Frequency of sprinkler servicing is dependent on many factors i.e. type of installation and environment etc.

What is included in the sprinkler servicing?

An assessor visits your premises to physically see and evaluate your sprinkler system, checks and tests are undertaken that are relevant to the installation.  These checks may include items such as flow switches, water supply, remote signalling etc.

A sprinkler service report will be presented on completion of the servicing process, the report will include any itemised remedial action required and will identify any additional recommendations for future action.

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